How does double clicking work in Squeak?

Tim Rowledge rowledge at
Thu Sep 23 17:19:17 UTC 1999

Just as a little heads-up, don't forget to factor in whatever effects might be
raised by the project to pass in OS events. I think many, if not all, OSs can
provide double-click events and at the very least this means one has to be
careful about spending/wasting time on ones own code to check click times and
generate d-click events.

Has anyone done any more work recently on this OS event project?  The last I
can recall on the subject was some stuff cone by Lex and some similar by me.


Useful random insult:- Any similarity between him and a human being is purely
Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 842-6110 (w)
 tim at (h)  <>

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