Loading Morphic Wrappers change set

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Thu Sep 9 04:53:22 UTC 1999

> !WorldMorph methodsFor: 'morphic wrappers' stamp: 'LC 12/31/1998 13:20'!
>runTo: aMorph
> "A world cannot run."
> self shake: 6! !
>where WorldMorph is undeclared in my 2.5 image.
>Being a Mophic newbie I'm not sure whether it's supposed to pre-exist of
>come with your package?
>Any help appreciated (I wanted to fire that cannon!)

Stewart -
In 2.5, WorldMorphs were replaced by PasteUpMorphs, so that they would make a reasonable unit of morphic storage whether or not they were a whole world.  All pasteUpMorphs respond to #isWorldMorph with true or false if you need to know what's what.

For this particular case, I believe the following would be an effective replacement:

!PasteUpMorph methodsFor: 'morphic wrappers' stamp: 'DI 9/9/1999 11:11'!
runTo: aMorph
	self isWorldMorph ifTrue:
		["A world cannot run."
		^ self shake: 6]
	^ super runTo: aMorph! !

Note that if runTo: is elsewhere defined in PasteUpMorph, then that def should replace the line with super in it.

The WorldMorph change may have fouled up MathMorphs a lot, but we managed to keep it compatible enough that we read in all the changes while the system was running in Morphic.  My guess is that it shouldn't take too many fixes like this to bring it up in 2.5.

Hope this helps.

	- Dan

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