Help with simple graphics

Bob Arning arning at
Thu Sep 23 23:37:34 UTC 1999

On Thu, 23 Sep 1999 19:22:29 -0400 Aron Brener <brener at> wrote:
>I have to do a project for a class I'm taking relating to shortest 
>path on a maze. As my programs find the solutions, it supposed to 
>show them on the screen. My professor gave us a graphics package we 
>can use for C. I'd prefer to do the project in Smalltalk because I 
>think it'll be a lot easier to implement.
>What I need is a tutorial that'll teach me to do simple stuff in 
>squeak, like drawing squares, lines, maybe use different thicknesses, 
>labels for the lines. I also have to be able to print the screen, 
>although this is not imperative. I guess I could use a screen 
>grabbing utility to do that.

For a quick first pass, consider implementing your maze solution as a Morph subclass (or, perhaps better, a BorderedMorph subclass). Every Morph in the World is sent a message "drawOn: aCanvas" when some part of its area needs to be redrawn. Your #drawOn: method could do things like:

		line: aPoint 
		to: someOtherPoint 
		width: oneOrWhatever 
		color: insertYourFavoriteColorHere.

		frameAndFillRectangle: someRectangle 
		fillColor: someOtherColor 
		borderWidth: zeroOrMore 
		borderColor: yetAnotherColor.

repeated, of course, for all the lines/squares in your maze.


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