[ENH]Text Selection Colour picker

John Dougan jdougan at acm.org
Sun Sep 5 07:46:10 UTC 1999

After squinting a little too long at the hard to see green selection and
insertion point colour, I decided to do something about it. Enclosed are
changes to add a text selection colour picker similar to the window colour
picker already in place.

Unfortunately it's only for Morphic, not MVC, but I was uncertain about how
MVC handled the highlight colours. Also, the changes are immediate and
global, the colours are not sticky to a window as the window colors are.

--john dougan
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="TextColours.5Sept1240am.cs"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="TextColours.5Sept1240am.cs"

Attachment converted: Anon:TextColours.5Sept1240am.cs (????/----) (00013032)
John Dougan
jdougan at acm.org

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