Smalltalk Compiler

Dana S. Wheeler dwheeler at
Mon Apr 17 18:45:15 UTC 2000

If anybody read my previous posting I have confirmed two things.

1)- It is quite possible.
2)- Somebody else has already done it. See

"Dana S. Wheeler" wrote:

>     1. All classes can be decomposed to  primatives.
>     2. Methods ultimatly can be decomposed to operations on those
> primatives.
> This would seem to imply that any valid smalltalk program could be
> expressed in any language the primatives could be expressed in. The
> monkey wrench in the works is that at this point you don't know what
> class will be passed as an argument in a message to a given class.
> However if the initial message that starts the application has no
> arguments (CheckBookInterface new; open.) or the argument(s) to the
> message can be decomposed into primatives then the you start a chain of
> logic with which you can determine which objects are passed as arguments
> in any message the application uses. Therefore you can determine which
> message is being called since it depends upon the class. I've tried this
> manually on a couple of small programs and while it was tedious it did
> seem to work. However I have not done an exaustive trial, I am a newbie
> and I am reminded of the saying "Logic is a way of going wrong with
> confidence."

Dana S. Wheeler
dwheeler at

Maintain a humble awe in all things of God and a cynical skepticism in all
things of man.

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