Distributed Object Systems (was Re: VNC Server)

Aaron J Reichow reic0024 at d.umn.edu
Wed Apr 19 00:36:16 UTC 2000

> However, there's a strong intuition that there is an easy generalization
> here: just make remote object references behave like local ones.  The
> problem is, unfortunately, that it doesn't work when you look at the
> next level of details.  Well, *I* think it doesn't work, and others
> disagree.  :)

Is there a simple Distributed Object system for Squeak?  By simple, I mean
something that's simple to use (localO := SimpleRemoteObject server:
'' objectRef: 'DemoClass' param: 'new') and would probably
only work with Squeak (maybe other Smalltalks?).  Something much simpler
than CORBA.


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