[ENH] SequenceableCollection>>forceTo:paddingWith:

Andres Valloud avalloud at entrypoint.com
Mon Apr 10 16:21:15 UTC 2000


This is a much much faster implementation of the above mentioned method.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak2.6 of 11 October 1999 [latest update: #1578] on 10 April 2000 at 9:20:11 am'!

!SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'SqR!!!! 4/10/2000 09:20'!
forceTo: length paddingWith: elem
	"Force the length of the collection to length, padding 
	if necessary with elem. Note that this makes a copy.

	Much much faster, SqR!! 4/10/2000 09:19"

	| newCollection copyLen padded toPad thisPad |

	newCollection _ self species new: length.
	copyLen _ self size min: length.

	"Copy bulk"
	newCollection replaceFrom: 1 to: copyLen
		with: self startingAt: 1.

	"Fast out"
	copyLen = length ifTrue: [^newCollection].

	"Fill at the end. Tres cool method"
	newCollection at: copyLen + 1 put: elem.
	toPad _ length - copyLen. padded _ 1.
	[padded = toPad] whileFalse:
			thisPad _ padded min: toPad - padded.
				replaceFrom: copyLen + padded + 1 to: copyLen + padded + thisPad
				with: newCollection startingAt: copyLen + 1.
			padded _ padded + thisPad.
	^newCollection! !

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