Packaging into the sole Squeak window

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at
Wed Apr 26 02:02:24 UTC 2000

>I'd like to change the size of the Mac's window, the one into which Squeak writes. The only available options that I can find let me use the full screen, or use whatever has manually been set.
>Ideally, I would like to tell the Mac's window to be MxN, where MxM is the size of the rectangular morph. The single Mac window would then be the cloned applications window.
>It sounded simple at first, but I can see no way to do it from Smalltalk.

Hi, Dave -

Well, first I have to tell you that I have no idea about the solution you really want.  However, I also can't resist a sleuthing challenge...

So I evaluated 'Display extent' and got 933 at 716

Then I opened my image file in the fileList, chose 'view as hex', and got...

Here are the first 5000 characters...
16r0 (0) 	00 00 19 66 00 00 00 40 00 F4 17 60 08 5C 54 50 
16r10 (16) 	08 93 A0 60 00 00 81 BA 03 A5 02 CC 00 00 00 00 
16r20 (32) 	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

Notice anything interesting?

Hint:  933 = 16r3A5, 716 = 16r2CC.

So, although I'm sure this isn't quite what you were looking for, you could probably store some new values into bytes 8-11 of your image and see some results the next time you start up that image.

	- Dan

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