Musings on Identity -- Jigsaw's demise -- historical aside

Chris Macie cjmacie at
Sat Apr 1 04:14:35 UTC 2000

At 12:00 PM 3/31/00 -0800, Paul  wrote:
>>> classes.  Although the project was dumped,
>ParcPlace-Digitalk's top management at the time made a "strategic decision"
>that there was no future in their Smalltalk products and they should be
>discontinued immediately.
>As a former employee, it is probably not appropriate for me to make any
>judgemental statements about the wisdom of that decision.  But the share
>price chart since that day does tell quite a tale ...

The share price prior to that time actually tells pretty much the same
tale. The downward slope of the PPS (later PPS/Digtalk, ObjectShare, etc.)
stock was virtually continuous from the time of the IPO, with the periodic
partial recoveries and eventual greater falls which enriched the market
makers coming and going. Check the graphs in the annual statements, 1994-1997.

Chris Macie (yet another former employee)

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