Looking for help with BitBlit and BMP files...

Rick ret at deltanet.com
Mon Dec 4 21:53:12 UTC 2000


I am playing with some stereo photo 3-D in Squeak...  Time to get out those goofey red and blue glasses;-)

I have run across something that seems a bit odd to me, maybe someone could point out what I my be missing here...

My problem is if leftEyeImage and rightEyeImage was saved as a BMP file from Photoshop4 then I get "blank holes (white)" in my final anaglyphImage where pure black should be.

If leftEyeImage and rightEyeImage was saved as a jpg file then everything seems as expected (black is black).

Do you think this would be from:

1) my BitBlit code below
2) Squeaks BMP vrs JPEG reading code
3) Photoshop4

leftEyeImage is a Form of depth 32
rightEyeImage is a Form of depth 32
rgbADD is 20
rgbSUB is 21

code snip...

        anaglyphImage _ rightEyeImage deepCopy.

        "Remove the red channel from the right eye image..."
                destForm: anaglyphImage
                sourceForm: rightEyeImage
                fillColor: Color red
                combinationRule: self rgbSUB
                destOrigin: 0 @ 0
                sourceOrigin: 0 @ 0
                extent: rightEyeImage extent
                clipRect: rightEyeImage boundingBox) copyBits.

        "Now add the red channel from the left eye image..."
                destForm: anaglyphImage
                sourceForm: leftEyeImage
                fillColor: Color red
                combinationRule: self rgbADD
                destOrigin: 0 @ 0
                sourceOrigin: 0 @ 0
                extent: leftEyeImage extent
                clipRect: leftEyeImage boundingBox) copyBits

Any other Ideas? Or a faster way to do this?



PS - Anyone up for adding an anaglyph camera to Wonderland?  Or how about an Interlaced camera?
PS - Is anyone out there doing a "blue screen" compositor in Squeak?

"All you've got to do is own up to your ignorance honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to fill your head with information." - Walt Disney -

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