How Do You Do Business Apps? (Morphic Design Philosophy)

Bob Arning arning at
Mon Feb 28 16:51:06 UTC 2000

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 11:31:23 -0500 "Norton, Chris" <chrisn at> wrote:
>Could we please include some information about recovering from failure
>situations to the top of the Readme.txt file that "ships" with a clean
>Squeak image?
>This information is invaluable, especially to the newbies that sometimes
>make disastrous mistakes and then save them.

An alternative, much better in some ways and perhaps a little less handy in others is the web. The "Getting started" window already has a link to the swiki and that opens very nicely in Scamper, so the rest is easy. Once upon a time I created the Newbie Home Page with the idea that those new to Squeak could write up the things that represented bumps in the learning curve and how they were surmounted. Perhaps that is a good place to resume noting these little gems that some take for granted and others have never heard of. It's a project anyone can get involved with and which kept current as Squeak continues to evolve.


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