Can some please help with a color map and bitBlt?

Rick ret at
Fri Feb 18 04:08:34 UTC 2000



I was wondering if some kind person would please help with this color map problem.
I'm just not getting it tonight...
I hope someone might help get this going and I would try next to take it into morphicLand...

Thank you for any help in advance!


PS - If there is a better way to do a Sepia Tone image filter then I would love to learn!!!

makeSepiaTone: anImage aTone: aColor
        "I return a SepiaTone image..."
        | myImage myBlackToTone myToneToWhite mySepiaToneMap map |

        "Make my Black to Tone to White array..."
        myBlackToTone _ Color black mix: aColor shades: 128.
        myToneToWhite _ aColor mix: Color white shades: 128.
        mySepiaToneMap _ Array new: 256.
        1 to: 128 do:
                [:i | mySepiaToneMap at: i put: (myBlackToTone at: i).
                        mySepiaToneMap at: i+128 put: (myToneToWhite at: i)].
        Color showColors: mySepiaToneMap. "Debug help showing the colors..."

        "make my color map map mySepiaToneMap"
        map _ Bitmap new: ( "this is where I'm not sure what to do here... ").
       1 to: map size do: [:i | map at: i put: (mySepiaToneMap at: i "or what to do here...")].

        "Hack anImage down to grayscale..."
        myImage _ anImage asGrayScale.

        "Blit the shades of Gray to shades of aTone..."
        (BitBlt toForm: myImage)
                destOrigin: 0 at 0;
                sourceForm: myImage;
                sourceRect: myImage boundingBox;
                combinationRule: Form over;
                colorMap: mySepiaToneMap;


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