[UPDATES] 26 more for 2.8a

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Tue Feb 29 01:17:07 UTC 2000

Folks -

These incorporate many of the submissions from SqueakVille in the last month.  Once again, much credit goes to Stefan Matthias Aust for taking the trouble to cull through them and check for various conflicts.

	- Dan
1874cleanup-tkNE -- Ted Kaehler -- 23 February 2000
Defines (SmartRefStream cleanUpCategories) to remove obsolete conversion methods.  
Includes 29 removals or currently obsolete conversion methods."


1876Explain-th -- Torge Husfeldt -- 2 February 2000
Explain in code pain was broken because doitFlag in Parser was sometimes not initialized correctly. I think I found the right place to fix it."

1877FontDisplayEnh-acg -- Andrew C. Greenberg -- 2 February 2000
A small enhancement to display all characters of a strikefont."

1878SysWindowReframe-dns -- David N Smith -- 2 February 2000
A small update to SystemWindow which provides an option to suppress reframe handles of the window. This can be desirable when an application wants control over its own layout and wants no one (like an 8-year old) to resize the window.
The default allows reframing; the option can be set and reset during execution however one wishes.
Please note the postscript."

1879FillInTheBlankFix-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 10 February 2000
Stewart MacLean noticed a bug in the MVC version FillInTheBlankController."

1880GraphicalMenuBug-dns -- David N Smith -- 4 February 2000
Small bug in the comment of GraphicalMenu>>initializeFor:... No big deal."

1881PrefFix-ssa -- Sam S. Adams -- 9 February 2000
Spelling error in preferences fixed."

1882LastUpdString-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 6 February 2000
I tried a ''Smalltalk majorShrink; abandonSources; lastRemoval'' on a 2.8a/1789 image and noticed that here's an error in SystemDictionary>>lastUpdateString which is called from condenseChanges during abandonSources.  When this method tries to determine the patch level by calling ''ChangeSorter highestNumberedChangeSet'' the ChangeSorter class has already been stripped.
This changeset works around this problem."

1883ColorPrintOn-dns -- David N Smith -- 6 February 2000
Print named colors with names instead of (Color r: 0.833 g: 0.588 b: 0.524)"

1884BlobEnh-dns -- David N Smith -- 9 February 2000
Blobs stay upfront now and you can click through them (use Cmd-click to get them). They also don't show handles when opened from the ''new morph'' menu (sma)."

1885DecompileUnknown-th -- Torge Husfeldt & SMA -- 7 February 2000
A smaller (and enhanced) version of Torge's submission to decompile unbound methods. Torge wrote: 'Here's a little snippet I wrote to decompile CMs that are no longer in any method dictionary (such as DoIts that are about to be deleted, but there are other examples). Why shouldn't we want do do this sometimes.' "

1886ProtoObjComment-di -- Dan Ingalls -- 8 February 2000
Please note the postscript!
Dan's comment template the ProtoObject's comment which started up a long discussion on the mailing list.  There were better solutions provided by Dan and Vassili Bykov but this is a first step --sma."

1887UncatchableHalt-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 12 February 2000
This is my proposal for an uncatchable halt, that is
  [self halt] on: Error do: []
will not silently do nothing but still open a debug notifier.
On the other hand,
  [self halt] on: Halt do: []
will catch the halt."

1888BrowseIt-slr -- Steve Rees -- 11 February 2000
Minor fix to browseIt on ParagraphEditor.
Previously ParagraphEditor assumed that a selection beginning with an uppercase letter represented a Class name and that a selection beginning with a lowercase letter was a method name.
Whilst the second assumption is valid, the first is not, since although conventionally method names begin with a lowercase letter they can also begin with an uppercase letter.
This changeset modifies the assumptions in ParagraphEditor>>browseIt so that if the selected name begins with an uppercase letter, but no entry is found in Smalltalk a search is done for implementing methods with that name."

1889HtmlFmtFix-jcc -- John Clonts -- 11 February 2000
A small correction in the example comment.  But while I was testing the code, I noticed a problem in DisplayScanner using MVC and fixed it --sma"

1890CmdKeyDesc-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 12 February 2000
Updated command key description as well as the disablement of the enablement of Ctrl+( enclosement keys for Windows because this disabled this function on Macs.  Okay?
Unfortunately, the different platforms are quite different in what key codes they generate. I tried to work around this problem but failed.  I'd suggest to double check the VM code for all platforms and make sure that they generate identical codes.  This simplify the paragraph editor code and also enables a few more keyboard shortcuts for Non-Macs.  Frankly, I'm a bit annoyed that often platform-independence for Squeak actually means Mac-dependence.
Added back Cmd-Shift+I for exploreIt."

1891ClassComments-dwh -- Dwight Hughs and Göran Hultgreen -- 26 February 2000
Added method categories to the PenRecorder --sma"

1892TTStringMorph-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 26 February 2000
Brian Mc Enery noticed: If multiple TTSampleString's are being copied (where each instance uses the same font) then each copy will automatically have a new version of the TTFontDescription including the glyphs and the mapping table. This occurs if a TTSampleString is created out of a parts bin, or if it is duplicated using the halo menu."

1893EnhTranscript-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 26 February 2000
Now, show: can show any object, not just Strings.
Also added method categories to the Transcripter class."

1894FillInFixes-ssa -- Sam S. Adams -- 14 February 2000
Here's a fix for FillInTheBlank so it complies with Preference settings for
scroll bars and rounded corners."

1895EmptySymbol-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 26 February 2000
Richard A. Harmon noticed that the empty symbol ('' asSymbol) didn't work."

1896RmEmtyCatFix-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 27 February 2000
The browser was missing the function #removeEmptyCategories.  Added."

1897NameOfClass-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 27 February 2000
It seems that somebody accidentally created a 'NameOfClass' class. Removed."

1898PPBlockTemps-sma -- Stefan Matthias Aust -- 27 February 2000
Pretty printing of block temporaries didn't work. Fixed."

1899segBug-tkNL -- Ted Kaehler -- 28 February 2000
Update 1860 added debugging class variables to ImageSegmentRootStub.  They allow the user to see the stack of what caused a segment fault.  Very useful.  However, the new class variables were never defined in the fileOut.  Nor were they initialized.  Any fault caused an error.  We fix it here."

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