Should "self halt" be catachable?

Stefan Matthias Aust sma at
Sun Feb 13 22:32:41 UTC 2000

>I disagree, sort of.  The halt exception
>should be in a separate hierarchy that would
>normally not be caught.  However, you might
>have a case where the debugging software may
>want to catch a halt.  So putting it into a
>separate hierarchy requires a progammer take
>a distinct explict action to catch it, while
>making it available to the debugging software.

Yes, moving the Halt class is probably the right way.  I'd leave this the
the original author of the hierarchy however and a hack to my prior hack
would be to implement "Halt class>>handles:" as "^ true" so that

[self halt] on: Exception do: [...]

would not catch the halt but

[self halt] on: Halt do: [...]

would be catched.

>As a matter of fact my debug package does catch
>the ControlInterrupt exception in a few places.

BTW, I think part of your package is that you need to insert "self halt"
but can define real breakpoints (as with all other language's IDEs or with
VisualAge 4.0 and later).  Do you think this would be difficult to add to
Squeak.  I'd really like to see this feature.

Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf.

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