Empowering Images [includes actual class comment]

Henrik Gedenryd Henrik.Gedenryd at lucs.lu.se
Tue Feb 22 15:33:42 UTC 2000

> When I had to dig deep into the Swing source code yesterday, I always felt
> the urge to change that poor written code.  That's perhaps typical for a
> Smalltalk programmer :-)

That is of course the reason why you don't want to see the class sources in

Regarding the requests for documentation, like my last post on this matter,
I look forward to the time when people stop discussing how it should done,
or ask others to produce documentation, and start doing it. Learning from
the syntax debacle that brought down the list server :) I'd suggest that it
be an offence to post anything re. documentation without including at least
one actual new class comment! So I'll try to set an example.


Responsible for creating a new class or changing the format of an existing
class (from a class definition in a browser or a fileIn). This includes
validating the definition, computing the format of instances, creating or
modifying the accompanying Metaclass, setting up the class and metaclass
objects themselves, registering the class as a global, recompiling methods,
modifying affected subclasses, mutating existing instances to the new
format, and more.


PS. I don't think that anyone seriously wants SqC to stop development to
document the system instead.

< = > .

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