Full Closures - when do they close?

Robert Withers withers at vnet.net
Mon Jan 31 04:50:24 UTC 2000

Jesse Welton wrote:
> Robert Withers wrote:
> >
> > Are there any special rules for the internal state of an external value
> > binding? My guess is that if you don't change the value of the outer
> > reference, yet you modify the internal state of that object, then the
> > closure binding to that value will refer to the object which had it's
> > internal state modified.  Is this the case?
> Yes.  The bindings just hold onto the object references, so internal
> state is shared as in any case where two variables are bound to the
> same object reference.
> -Jesse

Cool, thanks!

Smalltalking by choice.  Isn't it nice to have one!

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