Squeak and CM

R. A. Harmon harmonra at webname.com
Sun Jan 16 17:01:57 UTC 2000

At 12:33 PM 1/16/00 +0100, Stefan Matthias Aust wrote:
>[How to use CVS for Squeak: Make each method a file and each class a
>directory and each project a CVS modul.]
>- For each new or modified method "m" make a unique and valid file name
>  m0 for that method.  Unary methods can be used as-is.  For keyword
>  methods, replace ":" with "_".  For binary methods, we need a mapping
>  to letters (>= -> greaterEqual) which will be prefixed with "_".
>  Class methods will start with an uppercase "C"

For programatically generating test suite methods, I replaced ":" with "X"
(a capital x) so it will visually stand out and to try to avoid conflicts
with the ANSI use of the underline.  I don't think a conflict will occur,
but this might be a useful suggestion.

For operators I used the following a mapping:

"="   -> "equalityOp"
"=="  -> "identityOp"
"~="  -> "notEqualityOp"
"~~"  -> "notIdentityOp"
"&"  -> "andOp"
"|"   -> "orOp"
"<"   -> "lessThanOp"
"<="  -> "lessThanOrEqualToOp"
">"   -> "greaterThanOp"
">="  -> "greaterThanOrEqualToOp"
"*"   -> "multiplyOp"
"+"   -> "addOp"
"-"   -> "subtractOp"
"/"   -> "divideOp"
"//"  -> "integerDivideOp"
"\\"  -> "remainderIntegerDivideOp"
","   -> "concatenateOp"

This seemed to be the most common use of the operators.

>All files are in normal chunk-format.

Using the Smalltalk Interchange Format (SIF) would make it more portable and
easier to use across dialects.

I think this project would be very useful, and would like to help in the effort.

Richard A. Harmon          "The only good zombie is a dead zombie"
harmonra at webname.com           E. G. McCarthy
Spencer, Iowa

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