Minimal Morphic?

John Clonts jclont at
Sun Jan 16 09:43:40 UTC 2000


I've been through as much docs as I can find on this, but I'm surely I'm
making this much harder than it really is.

In a morphic project, how is the way to hook one scrollbar to one
stringmorph, where the stringmorph shows the value of the scrollbar?

I've decided that it can't be done with the scripting panels-- is that

So I'm using browsers and inspectors and explorers, but I'm getting lost
in the models, players, owners, costumes, etc :(

Well here's what I did:

* create a pasteupmorph
* put into it a SimpleSlider ('slider1') and a StringMorph ('string1')
* on the Slider menu I 'set action selector' to  #contents:, the
arguments to value, and ---  What?  I thought there was a menu item to
set the target ( to string 1), but its not there, so
* open an inspector on the Slider and do ' self target: ( self world
submorphNamed: 'string1').  Hmm, returns nil.
* I inspect the Sliders model instance variable.  Oh, this looks good,
the model has instance variables called slider1 and string1!  Great, so
back at the Slider I do ' self target: ( self model string1)'.  Hmm,
MorphicModel1 DoesNotUnderstand string1 !

Please straighten me out!

Also, sometimes on the morphs' menu I see 'Become the Model for the
World'.  What does that mean?


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