[Q] moving SystemDictionary logic

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Tue Jan 4 17:17:24 UTC 2000

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000 09:05:44 -0800 (PST) Jason McVay <jlmcvay at yahoo.com> wrote:
>now to my question: should i go ahead and move more logic out such as
>SystemDictionary>>allMethodsWithString: to Behavior so that we can have
>finer searches and the like?
>lemme know if this is a worth my time (which i have plenty of) or a
>stoooopid thing,


I like it! It would be nice to search for 
	strings, senders, implementors, references, etc, etc


	everything, a class, a class hierarchy, a class category (environment?), a change set, a message browser, etc, etc.

Even more cool would be a negated search so that one could find, e.g.

senders of #drawOn: which are NOT implementors of #drawOn:


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