Q about a Squeak Archeology problem

Les Tyrrell tyrrell at canis.uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 12 00:01:16 UTC 2000

A quick correction to my previous note- the only WINDOWS 1.16 release I've
found is corrupt.  I have the Unix release- however, prior to 1.19 it appears
that the Mac, Windows, and Unix releases each had their own image and change log.
They're very close, and still platform independent, but they are different.

Les Tyrrell wrote:
> I've scoured the web digging up as many of the Squeak releases as I can.
> Aside from a few gaps, one of the things that I've had a problem with
> is that the only copy of the 1.16 release I've found so far is corrupt.
> In particular, the file:
> ftp://ftp.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/pub/Smalltalk/free/squeak/win32/image/Squeak1.16.zip
> contains an image which yields a bad checksum.
> At this stage, I don't know of any other copies of the Squeak1.16.image,
> but for completeness I'd like to get one.
> Also, the earliest public release I've found is for Squeak 1.1.  Were there
> any prior to that?
> Thanks!
> les

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