CCodeGenerator (newbie) questions

Douglas McPherson djm at
Sat Jan 15 03:13:27 UTC 2000


Thank you for the tips.

>Have a look at the implementors of #declareCVarsIn: which is used by several
>translated classes to declare instVars in a specific way.

Yes, silly me, there it is, of course.

>  > 2. Is there a way to insert a c-comment?
>	self cCode:'/* here goes my comment */'
>is the easiest (and ugliest) way to do it - but it works ;-)
>   A.

Doh! I told you they were silly questions. :)

Another question if I may: what are the rules for getting a function 
call translated inline. I've looked the examples, and I use 'self: 
inline: true' but no inline translation occurs.

Thanks again.

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