[SF][UNIX][VM2.8] Re: Questions about Linux makefiles for external plugins

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Tue Jul 18 07:48:29 UTC 2000

Currently there are many changes regarding the 'make' mechanisms.

I'm currently working at a changeset, which improves/changes the
functionality of the code generation methods, to ease generation of
arbitrary distributions of external and internal plugins. This is
intertwined with the 'make' mechanisms.

Ned Konz wrote:
> I should be outside enjoying the beautiful summer day here,
> but instead I'm hacking.
> I've gotten the Regular Expression plugin working under 2.9alpha,
> but had to do some unpleasant things to get it to work.
> My questions:
> 1. How can I change or add a CFLAGS option for a given file or
> plugin? I have to have a macro like SQUEAK_XXX defined for the
> compilation of all the files in an external plugin directory.
> I didn't want to write my own makefile; is there a way to get
> autoconf or automake to include my local settings?

Surely, if you want to apply them for *all* external plugins.

> 2. I had to override my plugin's translate:doInlining:locally
> to add a single line
>         cg _ self codeGeneratorClass new initialize.
>         localFlag
>                 ifTrue: [cg pluginPrefix: self moduleName].
>         "Only change from parent class: emit my custom header"
>         cg headerString: self headerString.     "<<< ADDED"
>         "Add an extra declaration for module name"
>         cg declareModuleName: self moduleNameAndVersion local: localFlag.
> It seems like having a hook there between initializing cg
> and spitting out the module name might be a good idea.

> I hate having to copy an entire method to add a single line;
> that to me is a sign that I need to re-factor.




> --
> Ned Konz
> currently: Stanwood, WA
> email:     ned at bike-nomad.com
> homepage:  http://bike-nomad.com

Stephan Rudlof (sr at evolgo.de)
   "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis.
    You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.'"
    -- Kirk, "The Ultimate Computer", stardate 4731.3

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