[SF][VM] Re: better directory structure

Lex Spoon lex at cc.gatech.edu
Fri Jul 21 14:12:46 UTC 2000

Bert Freudenberg <bert at isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de> wrote:
> > In fact, isn't it reasonable to compile modules *both* ways
> > in the same build?
> Not if you want to have a slim VM. And it makes no sense to have the exact
> same module both in the VM and external, as the internal would never be
> used.

I meant the latter.  But you're right, it's not a terribly big deal.  It
would just be nice if it were easier to recompile things internally or
externally without having to regenerate the sources.

It's hard to do right now, because the files actually *change* depending
on whether they're going to be compiled internally or externally.  I
suppose one could get around this by having the image code generate both
versions, but even then, the sqNamedPrims file would need to get split
up somehow.

> > As a final note, if make(1) gets annoying, we might think about
> > "jam"....
> > 	
> > 	http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html
> > 
> > I've never actually used it, but it sounds pretty nice.
> Don't know. IMO it'd be hard to find anything more complete than autoconf.

jam is a replacement for make, not for autoconf.  (Though I've expressed
my opinions on autoconf!).  For anyone curious, and as an excercise for
myself, I've put together a simple set of "jamfiles" for building Squeak
and its plugins, and appended them.  Comments are welcome--I find these
files easier to read and work with, for a number of small reasons:

	1. no recursion when you go into subdirectories
	2. local variables
	3. explicit rules, instead of pattern-matching on filenames
	4. rule definitions and specifying-files-under-rules are separated
	5. a nicer "foreach" construct than in GNU make  :)

Anyway, not a big deal, but I think this is easier to read and work with
than make.  And jam is at least as easy to obtain as GNU make.



------------- Jamfile.conf ---------------
# configuration for the build

# version of Squeak
SQVERSION = 2.9a ;

# location of X11 tree
X11_DIR = /usr/X11R6/ ;

# directories (can usually be left alone)
CORE_VM_DIR = "src/CoreVM/" ;
INTERNAL_PLUGINS_DIR = "src/InternalModules/" ;
EXTERNAL_PLUGINS_DIR = "src/ExternalModules/" ;
UTIL_DIR = "util/" ;
BUILD_DIR = build/$(OS).$(OSPLAT)/ ;

# settings for compiling regular C files
CC = gcc ;
OPTIM = -O3  -fomit-frame-pointer ;
LINKFLAGS = -L$(X11_DIR)lib -lX11 -lXext -lm -ldl -rdynamic ;

# settings for compiling shared libraries
SHARED_LINKFLAGS = "-shared" ;
SUFSHR = ".so" ;

----------- Jamfile ---------
include Jamfile.conf ;

# make sure the build directory gets made
MkDir $(BUILD_DIR) ;

# instruct jam to scan these directories for header dependencies

# standard rule for compiling an internal module
rule SQInternalModule {
  DEPENDS $(1) : $(BUILD_DIR) ;
  Object $(1) : $(2) ;

  VMOBJECTS += $(1) ;

# modules in CoreVM/
rule CoreVM {
  SQInternalModule $(BUILD_DIR)$(1).o :  $(CORE_VM_DIR)/$(1).c ;

# Unix-specific modules
rule UnixInternal {
  SQInternalModule $(BUILD_DIR)$(1).o : $(UNIX_MODULES_DIR)$(1).c ;

# compiling a C file for a shared library
rule SharedObject {
  DEPENDS  $(1) : $(2) ;

actions SharedObject {
  $(SHARED_CC) $(SHARED_CCFLAGS) -o $(1) -c $(2) ;

rule SharedLibraryFromObjects {
  DEPENDS $(1) : $(2) ;

actions SharedLibraryFromObjects {

# rule for compiling an external plugin
rule ExternalModule {
  local sofile = $(BUILD_DIR)$(1)$(SUFSHR) ;
  local sourcedir = $(EXTERNAL_PLUGINS_DIR)$(1)/ ;

  EXTERNAL_PLUGINS +=  $(sofile) ;

  MkDir $(BUILD_DIR)$(1) ;
  DEPENDS $(sofile) : $(BUILD_DIR)$(1) ;

  local soobjects ;
  for source in $(2)  {
    local soobject = $(BUILD_DIR)$(1)/$(source).o ;
    soobjects += $(soobject) ;

    SharedObject $(soobject) : $(sourcedir)$(source).c ;
    SHARED_CCFLAGS on $(soobject) = $(SHARED_CCFLAGS) -IModules/$(1) ;
  SharedLibraryFromObjects $(sofile) : $(soobjects) ;

# rule for compiling an internal plugin
rule InternalModule {
  local o_file = $(BUILD_DIR)$(1).o ;
  SQInternalModule $(o_file) : $(INTERNAL_PLUGINS_DIR)$(1)/$(1).c ;
  CCFLAGS on $(o_file) += -I$(INTERNAL_PLUGINS_DIR)$(1) ;

# rule to build the version file
rule VersionFile {
    SQInternalModule $(1:S=.o) : $(1:S=.c) ;
actions VersionFile {
    $(UTIL_DIR)verstamp $(1) ;

# rule to update modules.jam
rule ModuleRules {
    ALWAYS $(1) ;
    include $(1) ;
actions ModuleRules {
    $(UTIL_DIR)modulesRules > $(1) ;

# finally, the list and types of all files to compile

VersionFile $(BUILD_DIR)sqUnixVersion.c ;

CoreVM interp ;
CoreVM sqMiscPrims ;
CoreVM sqSoundPrims ;
CoreVM sqADPCMPrims ;
CoreVM sqNamedPrims ;
CoreVM sqOldSoundPrims ;
CoreVM sqVirtualMachine ;

UnixInternal sqUnixExternalPrims ;
UnixInternal sqUnixPluginSupport ;
UnixInternal sqXWindow ;

ModuleRules modules.jam ;

MainFromObjects $(BUILD_DIR)squeak : $(VMOBJECTS) ;

DEPENDS all : modules.jam ;
DEPENDS all : plugins ;

--------- modules.jam ---------
# Automatically generated by util/modulesRules
InternalModule BitBltPlugin ;
ExternalModule B2DPlugin : B2DPlugin ;
ExternalModule FFTPlugin : FFTPlugin ;
ExternalModule FilePlugin : FilePlugin sqFilePrims sqUnixDirectory ;
ExternalModule FloatArrayPlugin : FloatArrayPlugin ;
ExternalModule LargeIntegers : LargeIntegers ;
ExternalModule Matrix2x3Plugin : Matrix2x3Plugin ;
ExternalModule SerialPlugin : SerialPlugin sqUnixSerialAndMIDIPort ;
ExternalModule SocketPlugin : SocketPlugin sqUnixNetwork ;
ExternalModule SoundPlugin : SoundPlugin sqUnixSound ;
ExternalModule SurfacePlugin : SurfacePlugin ;
ExternalModule ZipPlugin : ZipPlugin ;

----------- util/modulesRules -------
# generate Jam rules for all modules.  
# Must be run from the top-level directory!

echo "# Automatically generated by $0" ;

# internal modules
for module in `(cd src/InternalModules; echo *)`
    if [ $module != CVS ]
        echo "InternalModule $module ;"

# external modules
for module in `(cd src/ExternalModules; echo *)`
    if [ $module != CVS ]
        cFiles=`(cd src/ExternalModules/$module; echo *.c | sed -e s/\\\.c//g)`
        echo "ExternalModule $module : $cFiles ;"

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