[Q] How to dispose of SystemWindow's? They never seem to go away!

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Sat Jul 15 04:22:41 UTC 2000

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000 19:39:30 -0700 Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad.com> wrote:
>I don't know what the lifecycle of a SystemWindow is, but mine
>seem to hang around forever.
>Try this in a fresh image (don't save afterwards unless you like your
>windows rearranged):
>Smalltalk garbageCollect.
>SystemWindow allSubInstances do: [ :ea | ea openInWorld ].
>Wow! You see whatever someone left in your image before it shipped!
>Now delete the windows (either by the X button, or by choosing delete
>from the windows menu choice).
>Repeat the above.
>They're still there!
>How can I really get rid of them? I'm hoping I don't have to chase
>pointers all night...


I don't know how many you are seeing, but a number of them are perfectly normal. Some are in various projects in the initial MVC project. Some are prototypes in the right-hand global flap. Also, by sending #openInWorld, you may have removed them from places they belong.

How many was it, BTW?


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