External windows in windows ( warning, rated PG: contains explict win32 code)

Stefan Matthias Aust sma at 3plus4.de
Wed Jun 14 19:01:10 UTC 2000

Some anonymous australien factory wrote:

>   Using the lovely new FFI in Squeak 2.8a it's possible to open an 
> external window to the main squeak window, ie. as in.. [...]

I'm not really sure what your problem is.  If I define

messageBox: hdl prompt: prompt caption: caption style: style
   <apicall: long 'MessageBoxA' (nil char* char* ulong) module: 'user32'>

and then call

FFITest new messageBox: nil prompt: 'Hallo' caption: 'Test' style: 0

it works as expected.  Squeak will pause as long as the message is shown 
(which is for what a modal message box is for) and as I used "nil" as 
window handle, the message box isn't related to the Squeak screen.  This 
can be fixed using

messageBox: hdl prompt: prompt caption: caption style: style
   <apicall: long 'MessageBoxA' (Win32Window char* char* ulong) module: 

and calling

FFITest new
   messageBox: Win32Window getFocus
   prompt: 'Hallo' caption: 'Test' style: 0

Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf

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