[enh] faster updates

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Wed Jun 7 04:36:01 UTC 2000


lex spoon wrote:
> Every time someone starts a thread on update speed I have to sit on my
> hands not to type a reply, because I figure it would be easier to
> implement the idea than to explain and defend it.
> The idea is that updates should be downloaded in a separate thread from
> the one that is processing them.  Then, you don't have this annoying
> back and forth between download and process.  The attached filein does
> just this in a fairly simplistic fashion.
> Does anyone out there with a modem care to try this?  Load it into
> Squeak 2.7 or so and then stand updating--how fast does it go?

I have updated from
#1919 to #2299 (I have typed "nil" (not intended) and then it was at
#2000 (intended) and then I've let it run further...);
(around #2067 you have to type in your initials, around 2166 you have to
say yes, #2278: Yes, #2299: OK);
	[Utilities readServerUpdatesThrough: nil saveLocally: false
updateImage: true] timeToRun
- old:

(1887012 / 60000) asFloat 31.4502 "min"

Note: Transcript window crashed away...

- new (after applying your changeset):

Squeak almost always compiled, so the buffering seems to work well;
buffer could be a little bit larger (10 files).

But there is an error!

#2071 made problems with Preferences (notifier); without Preferences
window it made problems -> has to be digged into!

Preferences addPreference: #alternativeBrowseIt category: #browsing
default: false balloonHelp: 'if true, then the "browse it" (cmd-b)
feature in the text editor will offer you a list of class names matching
the selection, if appropriate'. 

This command is defined in the changeset #2068 first: Why isn't it
Ooops: 2068prefs-sw has as preamble:

"Change Set:		classListMenu-sw
Date:			6 May 2000
Author:			Scott Wallace

Changesets are mixed up!

This could be a following error, now I have a similar error - started
with fresh *.changes file (!) at another location: loading changeset
#1981modul... arises a debugger with

	^ ChangeSetRevertable commentStamp: 'di 4/3/2000 09:08' prior: 0

, where ChangeSetRevertable is an undefined object.

- but (before applying your changeset):
[Utilities readServerUpdatesThrough: nil saveLocally: true updateImage:
false] timeToRun 

[Utilities applyUpdatesFromDisk] timeToRun "updates in 'update' dir"

-> This works! (Transcript diminished again...)

Summary: There is something curious!

There seems to be a problem regarding synchronizing postscripts of
changesets with loading and compiling them after applying your

Hope that helps.



> -Lex
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                                                         Name: Utilities class-readServerUpdatesThroughsaveLocallyupdateImage.st
>    Utilities class-readServerUpdatesThroughsaveLocallyupdateImage.st    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                                                                     Encoding: base64

Stephan Rudlof (sr at evolgo.de)
   "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis.
    You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.'"
    -- Kirk, "The Ultimate Computer", stardate 4731.3

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