External windows in windows ( warning, rated PG: contains explict win32 code)

Factory factory at free.net.au
Mon Jun 12 22:56:44 UTC 2000

   Using the lovely new FFI in Squeak 2.8a it's possible to open an 
external window to the main squeak window, ie. as in..

   void ShowWindow()
     MessageBox( NULL, "HI", "HI", MB_OK );

   Unfortunately doing this seems to starve the squeak window of messages.. 
this can be corrected by:

DWORD WINAPI MainThreadProc( LPVOID lpParameter )
	MessageBox( NULL, "HI", "HI", MB_OK );
	return 0;

void ShowMessage()
	HANDLE threadHandle;
	unsigned long threadID;

		CreateThread( NULL, 0, MainThreadProc,
			0, 0, &threadID );

   But this is somewhat hacky, anyone know of any other way of getting 
around this problem?

- Factory (.sig under reconstruction)

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