Cheap updates

JArchibald at JArchibald at
Fri Jun 2 08:45:38 UTC 2000

=> 6/2/00 4:35:04 AM, bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De =>
<< jla: << Now, if only the updates were compressed..... 
        and available in archival form (i.e., .zip, .tar.gz, .tgz, .sit, 
etc.) >>

What would this be good for? I agree gzipping changesets would be a Good
Thing but they're still incremental updates. >>

The question arises when one wishes to obtain all (or some large collection 
of) the ChangeSets to form a local archive. If you simply try to download the 
entire collection of ChangeSets (something I have done a few times), it takes 
forever (for us T1-challenged types).


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