Alternate syntax & example code; color

Alan Kay Alan.Kay at
Thu Jun 8 18:12:23 UTC 2000

Henrik --

At 8:25 AM -0800 6/8/00, Henrik Gedenryd wrote:
>(To be fair, let me just remind you that I've already displayed my bias
>against changing the syntax as a help for novices :-)

I remember ...

>A fundamental problem with Dan's alternate syntax (that Mats already
>mentioned in passing) is that code in comments doesn't work. This may not
>sound so bad until you try this in use. Effectively it means that all
>example code in comments become more or less useless (unless it spuriously
>parses identically in the new syntax).

Well, another confession of mine is that "code" should be in one of
possibly several fonts that is marked "code" -- in which case your problem
vanishes and things are better in general.
>And wrt color: Here, less is more than ever ;-)
>| Typographic guidelines for use of color:
>| 1. Don't.
>| 2. Goto 1.

I agree, except for:
    1.5 Try some of the intermediate grays ...
    1.6  Don't try to highlight a lot of different things ...



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