Repost of [FIX] ObjectExplorer and [GOODIE] 's Tree and TextOrganizer

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Wed May 10 07:42:03 UTC 2000

On Wed, 10 May 2000, Stewart MacLean wrote:

> Hopefully folks will be able to read them better...

The attachments are fine now.

But: Please do only send the gzipped changesets. It's not neccessary to
put in the others, and it's also a bad idea because it makes the message
HUGE. 150K is way beyond the limit. Otherwise, the message would have been
< 30K, which is (IMHO) okay because it contains three more or less
independent change sets. Also, is the FIX changeset the same as you sent
out before? That would be unnecessary, because the first was already

Anyway, keep Squeakin' down under :)
(you might want to add yourself to

-- Bert

PS: I edited your message and added it to the sqfixes archive.

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