Proposal3: Make $_ a valid identifier character

Bijan Parsia bparsia at
Mon May 29 11:44:20 UTC 2000

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:

> 	What is horrible is :-
> 	a) the use of underscore in symbols. Does anyone think that C should
> 	allow '=' or '|' or '->' in variable names?
> Using underscore in symbols is really rather nice.
> Almost *anything* would be better than baStudlyCaps.
> BaStudlyCapsIdentifiersAreJustSoHorriblyUgly.

Well, tastes substantially differ. I've been porting some VisualWorks code
which, IMHO (that's "holy", not "humble" ;)), makes horrid use of $_ in
varible names XML_FOO, XML_bar, etc. huh-WAUGH! InterCapping is far
nicer. Or, moreToThePoint, InterCapping *is* HowSmalltalkWorks, and, as
far as I'm concerned, it reallyImportant to preserve the LookAndFeel of
Smalltalk, at least in StandardSmalltalkCode.

If one really wishes to change this, it should be a systematic
change. (Heck, if this *really* bothers you, modify the PrettyPrinter and
the CodePane accept code.)

And, c'mon, "BaStudlyCapsIdentifiersAreJustSoHorriblyUgly"? 
ugly_identifiers_are_going_to_be_ugly. Personally, I don't like arbitrary
punctuation in words, especially names.

And, *if* we have to have littleLinesInOurIndentifiers, I'd much prefer
the lisp/scheme style-of-using-dashes than using_those_cursed_underscores.

Bijan Parsia.

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