Freshmeat for Squeak (!!! Blue Ribbon of the Day !!!)

JArchibald at JArchibald at
Thu May 4 17:53:44 UTC 2000

=> 5/4/00 12:48:17 PM, bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De =>
<< AFAIK there's no complete mail archive. Georg Gollmann's archive keeps the 
last 400 days - I don't know if he has backups of older stuff. There was an 
archive at uiuc but now it starts in Nov. 1999 ...

Technically, it's no problem for me to add any email to sqfixes (so just go 
and dig and send it to me). The question is if this is useful. Even most of 
the stuff currently in there already made it into the image. >>

Hi Bert,

Well, 400 days is over a year; that's back to about the release of 2.3. Also, 
many interesting packages announced via the mailing list were more of 
stand-alone interest (and thus were not incorporated into the current 
distributed image). To some extent, if something has already has been 
incorporated into the image, then there is _less_ need to have it noted in 
the SqFixes (and conversely, more of interest if it was not incorporated). I 
think the thing that is dynamite about something like a mail archive 
attachment summary generation, is that one doesn't know until it's available 
what use others may find for it.

Perhaps the way to frame the request is: "Is it possible to make a _separate_ 
page, containing the extract of the 400 day archive?" That way it would not 
clog the new facility, but would allow for summarization (and condensation) 
of the past year by some dutiful individuals who might tailor the page 
further -- as in today's earlier maiI => 5/4/00 8:39:03 AM, 
karl.ramberg at =>
  << I added my own enhancement to the All Projects page. >>.

BTW, I do have complete archives of all (..perhaps "almost all" is 
appropriate here..) past mail, going back to late 1996. Unfortunately, they 
are not in such a convenient (or consistent) form as Georg Gollman's 
excellent contribution. I haven't found the time to straighten out the 
various pieces and collections, but this might motivate me to do so. I would 
be glad to supply any part of the old collections to anyone who wants to do 
something useful with them.

Jerry Archibald

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