[HACK] Fade into Squeak

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Tue May 23 20:21:13 UTC 2000

This changeset demonstrates STP's idea for fading into Squeak on start up.

The screen capturing uses an external tool. If there's a file named
sqbgtemp.gif in the image directory, load it, fade it to black, and
delete the file.

On Unix, you can use xwd and netpbm to capture the screen:
        xwd -root -silent | xwdtopnm | ppmtogif > sqbgtemp.gif
	squeak -fullscreen some.image

For other platforms, you're on your own ;-)

-- Bert

PS: I slightly modified the Unix VM to not clear the window on startup if
fullscreen, a patch is attached.
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'From Squeak2.8alpha of 18 January 2000 [latest update: #2158] on 23 May 2000 at 9:25:53 pm'!
"Change Set:		fadesqueak-bf
Date:			23 May 2000
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

This changeset demonstrates STP's idea for fading into Squeak on start up. The screen capturing uses an external tool. If there's a file named sqbgtemp.gif in the image directory, load it, fade it to black, and delete the file. 
On Unix, you can use xwd and netpbm to capture the screen:
	xwd -root -silent | xwdtopnm | ppmtogif > sqbgtemp.gif ; squeak -fullscreen some.image
Note that I modified the Unix VM to not clear the window on startup."!

!DisplayScreen class methodsFor: 'snapshots' stamp: 'bf 5/23/2000 18:15'!
	"If there's a file named sqbgtemp.gif in the image directory, load it, fade it to black, and delete the file.  Provided the file contained a current screenshot and Squeak is started up in fullscreen mode, this looks like fading into the Squeak screen.

	On Unix, you can use xwd and netpbm:
		xwd -root -silent | xwdtopnm | ppmtogif > sqbgtemp.gif ; squeak -fullscreen some.image

	| file form map t d s |
	file _ FileStream oldFileOrNoneNamed: 'sqbgtemp.gif'.
	file ifNil: [^self].
	[	form _ GIFReadWriter formFromStream: file.
		map _ form colors copy.
		d _ 2000. "duration in ms"
		s _ Time millisecondClockValue.
		[t _ Time millisecondsSince: s. t < d] whileTrue: [
			form colors: (map collect: [:c | Color black mixed: t/d with: c]).
			form display].
		form _ nil.
	] ensure: [file close].
	FileDirectory default deleteFileNamed: 'sqbgtemp.gif' ifAbsent: []! !

!DisplayScreen class methodsFor: 'snapshots' stamp: 'bf 5/23/2000 13:11'!
startUp:  resuming "DisplayScreen startUp: true"
	self startUp.
	resuming ifTrue: [self fadeOut]! !

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*** /home/bert/Squeak/2.8a.ian/src/sqXWindow.c	Sat May 20 00:31:08 2000
--- /home/bert/sqXWindow.c	Tue May 23 21:31:06 2000
*** 410,415 ****
--- 410,417 ----
      XMapWindow(stDisplay, stWindow);
+     if (fullScreen)
+       ioSetFullScreen(true);
      isConnectedToXServer= 1;
    return 0;
*** 1102,1113 ****
      XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
      unsigned long valuemask;
-     attributes.border_pixel= BlackPixel(stDisplay, DefaultScreen(stDisplay));
-     attributes.background_pixel= BlackPixel(stDisplay, DefaultScreen(stDisplay));
      attributes.event_mask= EVENTMASK;
      attributes.backing_store= Always;
!     valuemask= CWEventMask | CWBackingStore | CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel;
      /* A visual that is not DefaultVisual requires its own color map.
         If visual is PseudoColor, the new color map is made elsewhere. */
--- 1078,1092 ----
      XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
      unsigned long valuemask;
      attributes.event_mask= EVENTMASK;
      attributes.backing_store= Always;
+     valuemask= CWEventMask | CWBackingStore;
!     if (!fullScreen) {
!       attributes.border_pixel= BlackPixel(stDisplay, DefaultScreen(stDisplay));
!       attributes.background_pixel= BlackPixel(stDisplay, DefaultScreen(stDisplay));
!       valuemask |= CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel;
!     }
      /* A visual that is not DefaultVisual requires its own color map.
         If visual is PseudoColor, the new color map is made elsewhere. */

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