[GOODIE] 's Tree and TextOrganizer (no TNEF)

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Mon May 8 14:32:29 UTC 2000

On Mon, 8 May 2000, Bob Arning wrote:

> I'd love to take a look at TextOrganizer, but the attachment is one I
> don't parse very well. The changeset you attached on your previous
> message was fine, BTW.

I didn't see MS-TNEF attachments before either. A quick websearch reveals
it's jet another proprietary Micros~1 invention. (Funny enough, there is a
German word, "Tinnef", which exactly describes this). Fortunately, using
Emacs I was able to extract the text portion, so I'll repost it here ...

-- Bert
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