Really off topic now... was: Re: Face down,nine-edgefirst(wherein all is revealed)

Adam Bridge abridge at
Mon May 15 17:45:44 UTC 2000

On 5/11/00 at 8:21 PM, Dan.Ingalls at (Dan Ingalls) thoughtfully wrote:

> Yes, this technology is about to resurface in the form of a "wearable
> prosthetic for people who are getting senile.  It simulates a 10-second delay
loop, so 
> whenever you lose your train of thought, instead of saying "Now, what was I
saying?", you 
> just listen to your headset, and get an infusion of short-term memory.

Wow -- Verner Vinge's "scrodes" have taken yet another step toward reality --
although those were designed to provide short term memory for creatures which
didn't naturally have it on their own. (See "A Fire Upon the Deep" for

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