[FIX] InspectInstancesFix

Robert Hirschfeld hirschfeld at acm.org
Thu Nov 30 15:55:13 UTC 2000

"Change Set:		InspectInstancesFix
Date:			30 November 2000
Author:			Robert Hirschfeld

Moves the inspect instances and its variants from the method list menu
in Browser and ChangeSorter to the class list menu and updates all
instances of Browser and ChangeSorter and their subclasses with the new
class list menu selector."
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'From Squeak2.9alpha of 2 September 2000 [latest update: #2998] on 30 November 2000 at 7:52:42 am'!
"Change Set:		InspectInstancesFix
Date:			30 November 2000
Author:			Robert Hirschfeld

Moves the inspect instances and its variants from the method list menu in Browser and ChangeSorter to the class list menu and updates all instances of Browser and ChangeSorter and their subclasses with the new class list menu selector."!

!Browser methodsFor: 'class functions' stamp: 'rhi 11/30/2000 01:11'!
classListMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted

	^ aMenu addList: (shifted
		ifFalse: [#(
			('browse full (b)'			browseMethodFull)
			('browse hierarchy (h)'		spawnHierarchy)
			('browse protocol'			spawnProtocol)
			('printOut'					printOutClass)
			('fileOut'					fileOutClass)
			('show hierarchy'			hierarchy)
			('show definition'			editClass)
			('show comment'			editComment)
			('inst var refs...'			browseInstVarRefs)
			('inst var defs...'			browseInstVarDefs)
			('class var refs...'			browseClassVarRefs)
			('class vars'					browseClassVariables)
			('class refs (N)'				browseClassRefs)
			('rename class ...'			renameClass)
			('copy class'				copyClass)
			('remove class (x)'			removeClass)
			('find method...'				findMethod)
			('more...'					shiftedYellowButtonActivity))]
		ifTrue: [#(
			('unsent methods'			browseUnusedMethods)
			('unreferenced inst vars'	showUnreferencedInstVars)
			('subclass template'			makeNewSubclass)
			('sample instance'			makeSampleInstance)
			('inspect instances'			inspectInstances)
			('inspect subinstances'		inspectSubInstances)
			('fetch documentation'		fetchClassDocPane)
			('more...'					unshiftedYellowButtonActivity))])! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:42'!
openAsMorphClassEditing: editString
	"Create a pluggable version a Browser on just a single class."
	| window switches codePane baseline aTextMorph dragNDropFlag |
	window _ (SystemWindow labelled: 'later') model: self.

	dragNDropFlag _ Preferences browseWithDragNDrop.

	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #classListSingleton
			selected: #indexIsOne changeSelected: #indexIsOne:
			menu: #classListMenu:shifted: keystroke: #classListKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0 at 0 extent: 0.5 at 0.06).
	switches _ self buildMorphicSwitches.
	window addMorph: switches frame: (0.5 at 0 extent: 0.5 at 0.06).
	switches borderWidth: 0.

	window addMorph: ((PluggableMessageCategoryListMorph on: self list: #messageCategoryList
			selected: #messageCategoryListIndex changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
			menu: #messageCategoryMenu: keystroke: #arrowKey:from:	 getRawListSelector: #rawMessageCategoryList)  enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0 at 0.06 extent: 0.5 at 0.30).

	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #messageList
			selected: #messageListIndex changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
			menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
			keystroke: #messageListKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.5 at 0.06 extent: 0.5 at 0.30).

	Preferences useAnnotationPanes
			[baseline _ 0.36]
			[aTextMorph _ PluggableTextMorph on: self
					text: #annotation accept: nil
					readSelection: nil menu: nil.
			aTextMorph askBeforeDiscardingEdits: false.
			window addMorph: aTextMorph
				frame: (0 at 0.36 corner: 1 at 0.41).
			baseline _ 0.41].

	Preferences optionalButtons
			[window addMorph: self optionalButtonRow frame: ((0 at baseline corner: 1 @ (baseline + 0.08))).
			baseline _ baseline + 0.08].

	codePane _ PluggableTextMorph on: self text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
			readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
	editString ifNotNil: [codePane editString: editString.
					codePane hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
	window addMorph: codePane
		frame: (0 at baseline corner: 1 at 1).

	window setUpdatablePanesFrom: #(messageCategoryList messageList).
	^ window! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:42'!
openAsMorphEditing: editString
	"Create a pluggable version of all the morphs for a Browser in Morphic"
	| window switches codePane aListMorph baseline aTextMorph dragNDropFlag |
	window _ (SystemWindow labelled: 'later') model: self.

	dragNDropFlag _ Preferences browseWithDragNDrop.
	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #systemCategoryList
			selected: #systemCategoryListIndex changeSelected: #systemCategoryListIndex:
			menu: #systemCategoryMenu: keystroke: #systemCatListKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0 at 0 extent: 0.25 at 0.4).
	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #classList
			selected: #classListIndex changeSelected: #classListIndex:
			menu: #classListMenu:shifted: keystroke: #classListKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.25 at 0 extent: 0.25 at 0.3).
	switches _ self buildMorphicSwitches.
	window addMorph: switches frame: (0.25 at 0.3 extent: 0.25 at 0.1).
	switches borderWidth: 0.
	window addMorph: ((PluggableMessageCategoryListMorph on: self list: #messageCategoryList
			selected: #messageCategoryListIndex changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
			menu: #messageCategoryMenu: keystroke: #arrowKey:from: getRawListSelector: #rawMessageCategoryList) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.5 at 0 extent: 0.25 at 0.4).
	aListMorph _ PluggableListMorph on: self list: #messageList
			selected: #messageListIndex changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
			menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
			keystroke: #messageListKey:from:.
	aListMorph enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag.
	aListMorph menuTitleSelector: #messageListSelectorTitle.
	window addMorph: aListMorph
		frame: (0.75 at 0 extent: 0.25 at 0.4).

	Preferences useAnnotationPanes
			[baseline _ 0.4]
			[aTextMorph _ PluggableTextMorph on: self
					text: #annotation accept: nil
					readSelection: nil menu: nil.
			aTextMorph askBeforeDiscardingEdits: false.
			window addMorph: aTextMorph
				frame: (0 at 0.4 corner: 1 at 0.45).
			baseline _ 0.45].

	Preferences optionalButtons
			[window addMorph: self optionalButtonRow frame: ((0 at baseline corner: 1 @ (baseline + 0.08))).
			baseline _ baseline + 0.08].

	codePane _ PluggableTextMorph on: self text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
			readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
	editString ifNotNil: [codePane editString: editString.
					codePane hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
	window addMorph: codePane
		frame: (0 @ baseline corner: 1 @ 1).

	window setUpdatablePanesFrom: #(systemCategoryList classList messageCategoryList messageList).
	^ window! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:42'!
openAsMorphSysCatEditing: editString
	"Create a pluggable version of all the views for a Browser, including views and controllers."
	| window switches codePane baseline aTextMorph dragNDropFlag |
	window _ (SystemWindow labelled: 'later') model: self.

	dragNDropFlag _ Preferences browseWithDragNDrop.

	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #systemCategorySingleton
			selected: #indexIsOne changeSelected: #indexIsOne:
			menu: #systemCatSingletonMenu: keystroke: #systemCatSingletonKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0 at 0 extent: 1.0 at 0.06).
	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #classList
			selected: #classListIndex changeSelected: #classListIndex:
			menu: #classListMenu:shifted: keystroke: #classListKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0 at 0.06 extent: 0.3333 at 0.24).
	switches _ self buildMorphicSwitches.
	window addMorph: switches frame: (0 at 0.3 extent: 0.3333 at 0.06).
	switches borderWidth: 0.
	window addMorph: ((PluggableMessageCategoryListMorph on: self list: #messageCategoryList
			selected: #messageCategoryListIndex changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
			menu: #messageCategoryMenu: keystroke: #arrowKey:from:	 getRawListSelector: #rawMessageCategoryList) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.3333 at 0.06 extent: 0.3333 at 0.30).

	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph on: self list: #messageList
			selected: #messageListIndex changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
			menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
			keystroke: #messageListKey:from:) enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.6666 at 0.06 extent: 0.3333 at 0.30).

	Preferences useAnnotationPanes
		ifFalse: 	[baseline _ 0.36]
		ifTrue: [baseline _ 0.41.
			aTextMorph _ PluggableTextMorph on: self
					text: #annotation accept: nil
					readSelection: nil menu: nil.
			aTextMorph askBeforeDiscardingEdits: false.
			window addMorph: aTextMorph
				frame: (0 at 0.36 corner: 1 at baseline)].

	Preferences optionalButtons
			[window addMorph: self optionalButtonRow frame: ((0 at baseline corner: 1 @ (baseline + 0.08))).
			baseline _ baseline + 0.08].

	codePane _ PluggableTextMorph on: self text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
			readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
	editString ifNotNil: [codePane editString: editString.
					codePane hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
	window addMorph: codePane
		frame: (0 at baseline corner: 1 at 1).

	window setUpdatablePanesFrom: #( classList messageCategoryList messageList).
	^ window! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:42'!
openEditString: aString
        "Create a pluggable version of all the views for a Browser, including views and controllers."
        | systemCategoryListView classListView 
        messageCategoryListView messageListView browserCodeView topView switchView underPane y optionalButtonsView annotationPane |

        self couldOpenInMorphic ifTrue: [^ self openAsMorphEditing: aString].
        "Sensor leftShiftDown ifTrue: [^ self openAsMorphEditing: aString].
                uncomment-out for testing morphic browser embedded in mvc project"

        topView _ StandardSystemView new model: self.
        topView borderWidth: 1. "label and minSize taken care of by caller"

        systemCategoryListView _ PluggableListView on: self
                list: #systemCategoryList
                selected: #systemCategoryListIndex
                changeSelected: #systemCategoryListIndex:
                menu: #systemCategoryMenu:
                keystroke: #systemCatListKey:from:.
        systemCategoryListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 70).
        topView addSubView: systemCategoryListView.

        classListView _ PluggableListView on: self
                list: #classList
                selected: #classListIndex
                changeSelected: #classListIndex:
                menu: #classListMenu:shifted:
                keystroke: #classListKey:from:.
        classListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 62).
        topView addSubView: classListView toRightOf: systemCategoryListView.

        switchView _ self buildInstanceClassSwitchView.
        switchView borderWidth: 1.
        topView addSubView: switchView below: classListView.

        messageCategoryListView _ PluggableListView on: self
                list: #messageCategoryList
                selected: #messageCategoryListIndex
                changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
                menu: #messageCategoryMenu:.
        messageCategoryListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 70).
        topView addSubView: messageCategoryListView toRightOf: classListView.

        messageListView _ PluggableListView on: self
                list: #messageList
                selected: #messageListIndex
                changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
                menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
                keystroke: #messageListKey:from:.
        messageListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 70).
        messageListView menuTitleSelector: #messageListSelectorTitle.
        topView addSubView: messageListView toRightOf: messageCategoryListView.

        Preferences useAnnotationPanes
                        [annotationPane _ PluggableTextView on: self
                                text: #annotation accept: nil
                                readSelection: nil menu: nil.
                        annotationPane window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at self optionalAnnotationHeight).
                        topView addSubView: annotationPane below: systemCategoryListView.
                        underPane _ annotationPane.
                        y _ 110 - self optionalAnnotationHeight]
                ifFalse: [
                        underPane _ systemCategoryListView.
                        y _ 110].

        Preferences optionalButtons ifTrue:
                [optionalButtonsView _ self buildOptionalButtonsView.
                optionalButtonsView borderWidth: 1.
                topView addSubView: optionalButtonsView below: underPane.
                underPane _ optionalButtonsView.
                y _ y - self optionalButtonHeight].

        browserCodeView _ PluggableTextView on: self 
                        text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
                        readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
        browserCodeView window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at y).
        topView addSubView: browserCodeView below: underPane.
        aString ifNotNil: [browserCodeView editString: aString.
                        browserCodeView hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
        topView setUpdatablePanesFrom: #(systemCategoryList classList messageCategoryList messageList).

        ^ topView! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:43'!
openOnClassWithEditString: aString
	"Create a pluggable version of all the views for a Browser, including views and controllers."
	| classListView messageCategoryListView messageListView browserCodeView topView switchView annotationPane underPane y optionalButtonsView |

	Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [^ self openAsMorphClassEditing: aString].

	topView _ (StandardSystemView new) model: self.
	topView borderWidth: 1.
		"label and minSize taken care of by caller"

	classListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #classListSingleton
		selected: #indexIsOne 
		changeSelected: #indexIsOne:
		menu: #classListMenu:shifted:
		keystroke: #classListKey:from:.
	classListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 100 @ 12).
	topView addSubView: classListView.

	messageCategoryListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #messageCategoryList
		selected: #messageCategoryListIndex
		changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
		menu: #messageCategoryMenu:.
	messageCategoryListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 100 @ 70).
	topView addSubView: messageCategoryListView below: classListView.

	messageListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #messageList
		selected: #messageListIndex
		changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
		menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
		keystroke: #messageListKey:from:.
	messageListView menuTitleSelector: #messageListSelectorTitle.
	messageListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 100 @ 70).
	topView addSubView: messageListView toRightOf: messageCategoryListView.

	switchView _ self buildInstanceClassSwitchView.
	switchView borderWidth: 1.
		window: switchView window 
		viewport: (classListView viewport topRight 
					corner: messageListView viewport topRight).
	topView addSubView: switchView toRightOf: classListView.

	Preferences useAnnotationPanes
			[annotationPane _ PluggableTextView on: self
				text: #annotation accept: nil
				readSelection: nil menu: nil.
			annotationPane window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at self optionalAnnotationHeight).
			topView addSubView: annotationPane below: messageCategoryListView.
			underPane _ annotationPane.
			y _ (200-12-70) - self optionalAnnotationHeight]
			[underPane _ messageCategoryListView.
			y _ (200-12-70)].

	Preferences optionalButtons ifTrue:
		[optionalButtonsView _ self buildOptionalButtonsView.
		optionalButtonsView borderWidth: 1.
		topView addSubView: optionalButtonsView below: underPane.
		underPane _ optionalButtonsView.
		y _ y - self optionalButtonHeight].

	browserCodeView _ PluggableTextView on: self 
			text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
			readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
	browserCodeView window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at y).
	topView addSubView: browserCodeView below: underPane.
	aString ifNotNil: [browserCodeView editString: aString.
			browserCodeView hasUnacceptedEdits: true].

	topView setUpdatablePanesFrom: #(messageCategoryList messageList).
	^ topView
! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:43'!
openSystemCatEditString: aString
	"Create a pluggable version of all the views for a Browser, including views and controllers.  The top list view is of the currently selected system class category--a single item list."
	| systemCategoryListView classListView messageCategoryListView messageListView browserCodeView topView switchView y annotationPane underPane optionalButtonsView |

	Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue: [^ self openAsMorphSysCatEditing: aString].

	topView _ (StandardSystemView new) model: self.
	topView borderWidth: 1.
		"label and minSize taken care of by caller"

	systemCategoryListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #systemCategorySingleton
		selected: #indexIsOne 
		changeSelected: #indexIsOne:
		menu: #systemCatSingletonMenu:
		keystroke: #systemCatSingletonKey:from:.
	systemCategoryListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 200 @ 12).
	topView addSubView: systemCategoryListView.

	classListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #classList
		selected: #classListIndex
		changeSelected: #classListIndex:
		menu: #classListMenu:shifted:
		keystroke: #classListKey:from:.
	classListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 67 @ 62).
	topView addSubView: classListView below: systemCategoryListView.

	messageCategoryListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #messageCategoryList
		selected: #messageCategoryListIndex
		changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
		menu: #messageCategoryMenu:.
	messageCategoryListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 66 @ 70).
	topView addSubView: messageCategoryListView toRightOf: classListView.

	switchView _ self buildInstanceClassSwitchView.
		window: switchView window 
		viewport: (classListView viewport bottomLeft 
					corner: messageCategoryListView viewport bottomLeft).
	switchView borderWidth: 1.
	topView addSubView: switchView below: classListView.

	messageListView _ PluggableListView on: self
		list: #messageList
		selected: #messageListIndex
		changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
		menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
		keystroke: #messageListKey:from:.
	messageListView menuTitleSelector: #messageListSelectorTitle.
	messageListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 67 @ 70).
	topView addSubView: messageListView toRightOf: messageCategoryListView.

	Preferences useAnnotationPanes
		ifTrue: [
			annotationPane _ PluggableTextView on: self
				text: #annotation accept: nil
				readSelection: nil menu: nil.
			annotationPane window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at self optionalAnnotationHeight).
			topView addSubView: annotationPane below: switchView.
			y _ 110 - 12 - self optionalAnnotationHeight.
			underPane _ annotationPane]
		ifFalse: [
			y _ 110 - 12.
			underPane _ switchView].

	Preferences optionalButtons ifTrue:
		[optionalButtonsView _ self buildOptionalButtonsView.
		optionalButtonsView borderWidth: 1.
		topView addSubView: optionalButtonsView below: underPane.
		underPane _ optionalButtonsView.
		y _ y - self optionalButtonHeight].

	browserCodeView _ PluggableTextView on: self 
			text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
			readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
	browserCodeView window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at y).
	topView addSubView: browserCodeView below: underPane.
	aString ifNotNil: [browserCodeView editString: aString.
			browserCodeView hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
	topView setUpdatablePanesFrom: #(classList messageCategoryList messageList).
	^ topView! !

!Browser methodsFor: 'message functions' stamp: 'rhi 11/30/2000 01:10'!
messageListMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted

	^ aMenu addList: (shifted
		ifFalse: [#(
			('browse full (b)' 						browseMethodFull)
			('browse hierarchy (h)'					classHierarchy)
			('browse method (O)'					openSingleMessageBrowser)
			('fileOut'								fileOutMessage)
			('printOut'								printOutMessage)
			('senders of... (n)'						browseSendersOfMessages)
			('implementors of... (m)'					browseMessages)
			('inheritance (i)'						methodHierarchy)
			('tile scriptor'							openSyntaxView)
			('versions (v)'							browseVersions)
			('inst var refs...'						browseInstVarRefs)
			('inst var defs...'						browseInstVarDefs)
			('class var refs...'						browseClassVarRefs)
			('class variables'						browseClassVariables)
			('class refs (N)'							browseClassRefs)
			('remove method (x)'					removeMessage)
			('more...'								shiftedYellowButtonActivity))]
		ifTrue: [#(
			('method pane' 							makeIsolatedCodePane)
			"('make a scriptor'						makeScriptor)"
			('toggle diffing'							toggleDiffing)
			('implementors of sent messages'			browseAllMessages)
			('remove from this browser'				removeMessageFromBrowser)
			('change category...'					changeCategory)
			('change sets with this method'			findMethodInChangeSets)
			('revert to previous version'				revertToPreviousVersion)
			('remove from current change set'		removeFromCurrentChanges)
			('revert and forget'						revertAndForget)
			('fetch documentation'					fetchDocPane)
			('more...'								unshiftedYellowButtonActivity))])! !

!ChangeSorter methodsFor: 'class list' stamp: 'rhi 11/30/2000 01:09'!
classMenu: aMenu shifted: shifted

	(parent notNil and: [shifted not])
		ifTrue: [aMenu addList: #( "These two only apply to dual change sorters"
			('copy class chgs to other side'			copyClassToOther)	
			('move class chgs to other side'			moveClassToOther))].

	^ aMenu addList: (shifted
		ifFalse: [#(
			('delete class chgs from this change set'	forgetClass)
			('browse full (b)'						browseMethodFull)
			('browse hierarchy (h)'					spawnHierarchy)
			('browse protocol'						spawnProtocol)
			('printOut'								printOutClass)
			('fileOut'								fileOutClass)
			('inst var refs...'						browseInstVarRefs)
			('inst var defs...'						browseInstVarDefs)
			('class var refs...'						browseClassVarRefs)
			('class vars'								browseClassVariables)
			('class refs (N)'							browseClassRefs)
			('more...'								shiftedYellowButtonActivity))]
		ifTrue: [#(
			('unsent methods'						browseUnusedMethods)
			('unreferenced inst vars'				showUnreferencedInstVars)
			('sample instance'						makeSampleInstance)
			('inspect instances'						inspectInstances)
			('inspect subinstances'					inspectSubInstances)
			('more...'								unshiftedYellowButtonActivity))])! !

!ChangeSorter methodsFor: 'message list' stamp: 'rhi 11/30/2000 00:52'!
shiftedMessageMenu: aMenu

	^ aMenu addList: #(
		('method pane'						makeIsolatedCodePane)
		('toggle diffing'						toggleDiffing)
		('implementors of sent messages'		browseAllMessages)
		('change category...'				changeCategory)
		('change sets with this method'		findMethodInChangeSets)
		('revert to previous version'			revertToPreviousVersion)
		('revert and forget'					revertAndForget)
		('more...'							unshiftedYellowButtonActivity))! !

!PackageBrowser methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:43'!
openAsMorphEditing: editString 
	"Create a pluggable version of all the views for a Browser, including    
	views and controllers."
	"PackageBrowser openBrowser"
	| listHeight buttonHeight window switches codePane aListMorph dragNDropFlag |
	listHeight _ 0.33.
	buttonHeight _ 0.09.
	window _ (SystemWindow labelled: 'later')
				model: self.
	dragNDropFlag _ Preferences browseWithDragNDrop.
	window addMorph: (PluggableListMorph
			on: self
			list: #packageList
			selected: #packageListIndex
			changeSelected: #packageListIndex:
			menu: #packageMenu:
			keystroke: #packageListKey:from:)
		frame: (0 @ 0 extent: 0.15 @ listHeight).
	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph
			on: self
			list: #systemCategoryList
			selected: #systemCategoryListIndex
			changeSelected: #systemCategoryListIndex:
			menu: #systemCategoryMenu:
			keystroke: #systemCatListKey:from:)
			enableDrag: false;
			enableDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.15 @ 0 extent: 0.2 @ listHeight).
	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph
			on: self
			list: #classList
			selected: #classListIndex
			changeSelected: #classListIndex:
			menu: #classListMenu:shifted:
			keystroke: #classListKey:from:)
			enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.35 @ 0 extent: 0.25 @ (listHeight - buttonHeight)).
	switches _ self buildMorphicSwitches.
	window addMorph: switches frame: (0.35 @ (listHeight - buttonHeight) extent: 0.25 @ buttonHeight).
	switches borderWidth: 0.
	window addMorph: ((PluggableListMorph
			on: self
			list: #messageCategoryList
			selected: #messageCategoryListIndex
			changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
			menu: #messageCategoryMenu:)
			enableDrag: false;
			enableDrop: dragNDropFlag)
		frame: (0.6 @ 0 extent: 0.15 @ listHeight).
	aListMorph _ PluggableListMorph
				on: self
				list: #messageList
				selected: #messageListIndex
				changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
				menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
				keystroke: #messageListKey:from: .
	aListMorph enableDragNDrop: dragNDropFlag.
	aListMorph menuTitleSelector: #messageListSelectorTitle.
	window addMorph: aListMorph frame: (0.75 @ 0 extent: 0.25 @ listHeight).
	codePane _ PluggableTextMorph
				on: self
				text: #contents
				accept: #contents:notifying:
				readSelection: #contentsSelection
				menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
			[codePane editString: editString.
			codePane hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
	window addMorph: codePane frame: (0 @ listHeight corner: 1 @ 1).
	window setUpdatablePanesFrom: #(packageList systemCategoryList classList messageCategoryList messageList ).
	^ window! !

!PackageBrowser methodsFor: 'package list' stamp: 'rhi 11/29/2000 23:43'!
openEditString: aString
        "Create a pluggable version of all the views for a Browser, including views and controllers."
        "PackageBrowser openBrowser"

        | packageListView systemCategoryListView classListView messageCategoryListView
          messageListView browserCodeView topView switchView annotationPane underPane y optionalButtonsView |

        self couldOpenInMorphic ifTrue: [^ self openAsMorphEditing: aString].

        topView := (StandardSystemView new) model: self.
        topView borderWidth: 1.
                "label and minSize taken care of by caller"

        packageListView := PluggableListView on: self
                list: #packageList
                selected: #packageListIndex
                changeSelected: #packageListIndex:
                menu: #packageMenu:.
        packageListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 20 @ 70).
        topView addSubView: packageListView.

        systemCategoryListView := PluggableListView on: self
                list: #systemCategoryList
                selected: #systemCategoryListIndex
                changeSelected: #systemCategoryListIndex:
                menu: #systemCategoryMenu:.
        systemCategoryListView window: (20 @ 0 extent: 30 @ 70).
        topView addSubView: systemCategoryListView.

        classListView := PluggableListView on: self
                list: #classList
                selected: #classListIndex
                changeSelected: #classListIndex:
                menu: #classListMenu:shifted:.
        classListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 62).
        topView addSubView: classListView toRightOf: systemCategoryListView.

        switchView := self buildInstanceClassSwitchView.
        switchView borderWidth: 1.
        topView addSubView: switchView below: classListView.

        messageCategoryListView := PluggableListView on: self
                list: #messageCategoryList
                selected: #messageCategoryListIndex
                changeSelected: #messageCategoryListIndex:
                menu: #messageCategoryMenu:.
        messageCategoryListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 70).
        topView addSubView: messageCategoryListView toRightOf: classListView.

        messageListView := PluggableListView on: self
                list: #messageList
                selected: #messageListIndex
                changeSelected: #messageListIndex:
                menu: #messageListMenu:shifted:
                keystroke: #messageListKey:from:.
        messageListView window: (0 @ 0 extent: 50 @ 70).
        topView addSubView: messageListView toRightOf: messageCategoryListView.

        Preferences useAnnotationPanes
                        [annotationPane _ PluggableTextView on: self
                                text: #annotation accept: nil
                                readSelection: nil menu: nil.
                        annotationPane window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at self optionalAnnotationHeight).
                        topView addSubView: annotationPane below: packageListView.
                        underPane _ annotationPane.
                        y _ 110 - self optionalAnnotationHeight]
                ifFalse: [
                        underPane _ packageListView.
                        y _ 110].

        Preferences optionalButtons ifTrue:
                [optionalButtonsView _ self buildOptionalButtonsView.
                optionalButtonsView borderWidth: 1.
                topView addSubView: optionalButtonsView below: underPane.
                underPane _ optionalButtonsView.
                y _ y - self optionalButtonHeight].

        browserCodeView := PluggableTextView on: self 
                        text: #contents accept: #contents:notifying:
                        readSelection: #contentsSelection menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
        browserCodeView window: (0 at 0 extent: 200 at y).
        topView addSubView: browserCodeView below: underPane.
        aString ifNotNil: [browserCodeView editString: aString.
                        browserCodeView hasUnacceptedEdits: true].
        ^ topView! !

ChangeSorter removeSelector: #classMenu:!
Browser removeSelector: #classListMenu:!
Updates all instances of Browser and ChangeSorter with the new class list menu selector."

Browser withAllSubclasses do: [:b |
	b allInstances do: [:bi |
		(bi dependents select: [:d |
			((d isKindOf: PluggableListMorph)
				or: [d isKindOf: PluggableListView])
					and: [(d instVarNamed: 'getMenuSelector') = #classListMenu:]]
		) do: [:plm | plm instVarNamed: 'getMenuSelector' put: #classListMenu:shifted:]]].

ChangeSorter withAllSubclasses do: [:b |
	b allInstances do: [:bi |
		(bi dependents select: [:d |
			((d isKindOf: PluggableListMorph)
				or: [d isKindOf: PluggableListView])
					and: [(d instVarNamed: 'getMenuSelector') = #classMenu:]]
		) do: [:plm | plm instVarNamed: 'getMenuSelector' put: #classMenu:shifted:]]].!

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