Jitter 3.1 available for PowerMac (MacOS and Linux)

Henrik Gedenryd Henrik.Gedenryd at lucs.lu.se
Sat Nov 18 11:25:30 UTC 2000

Ian Piumarta wrote:

> These include:
> - resetting the "receiverMap" field to nil whenever certain
> changes are made to the state of a MethodContext;
> - fixes to the exceptions to make them work with reentrant
> ("copy on value") block activation.

I found a stderr output file after I got j3 to crash when running a
MessageTally tallySends:  It contained the following information:

::SqueakCompiler:primPerform.cc: in `unsigned int *
j_primitiveDoPrimitiveWithArgs(class NativeMethod *, class Frame *)'
::SqueakCompiler:primPerform.cc:96: unimplemented doPrimitive: 82

I was doing this on my regular 2.9a image, I should mention. I wasn't able
to figure from your information whether this might be causing the crash.
Could the way MessageTallies manipulate contexts be a problem with j3?


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