Jitter 3.1 available for PowerMac (MacOS and Linux)

Marcel Weiher marcel at metaobject.com
Thu Nov 16 17:47:36 UTC 2000

> From: Marcus Denker <marcus at ira.uka.de>
> Squeak.make builds a gnuified non-jitter interpreter.
>  '45519203 bytecodes/sec; 1421075 sends/sec' CW
>  '45649072 bytecodes/sec; 1360653 sends/sec' gnuified MPW/gcc
> (G4 450Mhz)

When I was building for MacOS-X-Server, I found that the gnuified  
version was actually slower than the non-gnuified one (both compiled  
for PPC with Apple gcc).  Both seemed significantly slower than the  
CodeWarrior-compiled versions for plain MacOS, much to my chagrin...

Maybe I should get the code-warrior command-line compiler and try that.


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