InstanceBrowser anyone ?

Bob Arning arning at
Mon Nov 27 17:47:26 UTC 2000

Note to the list: Karl ran the method I provided and sent me the details offline.


Looking at something like:

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 18:13:18 +0100 Karl Ramberg <karl.ramberg at> wrote:
>47. MPEGPlayer
>	'#Project -> Project class'
>	'classPool: Dictionary'
>	'#AllProjects -> OrderedCollection'
>	'array: Array'
>	'6: Project'
>	'world: PasteUpMorph'
>	'worldState: WorldState'
>	'commandHistory: CommandHistory'
>	'history: OrderedCollection'
>	'array: Array'
>	'722: Command'		<=======the 722nd item in the undo history!!!!!!!!!
>	'undoTarget: MPEGPlayerMorph'

tells me you have a project in which you have opened a lot of MPEGPlayers. You also have the preferences #useUndo and #infiniteUndo set to <true>. This means that lots of morphs that you delete are being remembered so that, in theory, you could undo the delete at some point. Two things to do here:

1. As Dan suggested:

If you have undo enabled, there's a good chance you will get back some space from...
	CommandHistory allInstancesDo: [:c | c resetCommandHistory].

2. I would strongly suggest turning off #infiniteUndo since it accumulates rather endlessly at the moment.

Then make sure you close any inspectors you have open for the purpose of debugging this problem and do a Smalltalk garbageCollect. Then rerun the report and see how many are left. It looked like all the windows in the report were being held by the #infiniteUndo logic. That's not to say that these are the only references, but clearing out the undo and rerunning the report will tell us.


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