Historical request: original Smalltalk-80 release tapes

Eric Smith eric at brouhaha.com
Wed Nov 22 02:49:47 UTC 2000

I have a request that's a bit off-topic, but several people suggested
that I should post it here:

I'm looking for copies of the four original Smalltalk-80 release tapes
that were sent to the early Xerox licensees, as documented in the
Green Book (_Smalltalk-80 Bits of History, Words of Advice_).

Some people I've asked about this have told me to just use Squeak instead.
This misses the point, which is that I am looking for these old release
tapes for historical interest, not for current use.

If copies of these tapes turn up, I'd like to make sure that The Computer
Museum History Center (www.computerhistory.org) gets a copy.

I'm also looking for the native Lisa port of Smalltalk-80.  (*NOT* the
Macintosh port.)

I have suitable means to copy nine-track tapes and Lisa Twiggy diskettes.
If anyone can make the media available, I'll be happy to pay shipping
both ways, and to return a copy on CD-R as well.

Eric Smith

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