killing processes

Daniel, Sofie and Beatrice mcbracke at
Sun Nov 19 01:29:18 UTC 2000

Hi all

I was playing around with making seperate processes, and executed several 
versions of the following in the Workspace:

[ | tick |
tick _ 0.
[true] whileTrue:
	[tick printString displayAt: 300 at 100.
	tick _ tick + 1.
	(Delay forMilliseconds: 300) wait] ] fork

with pleasing results.

Only trouble is, I can't get rid of the things! If I had assigned them to 
variables, I could send them a 'terminate' message, but as I can't 
reference them, what can I do? I was looking for a list of active processes 
in and around ProcessorScheduler, but couldn't find it.

Thanks all

Daniel McBrearty

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