[BUG] Windows VM problem typing @

Stefan Matthias Aust sma at 3plus4.de
Wed Nov 29 07:28:50 UTC 2000

At 15:36 27.11.00 +0300, Mike Rutenberg wrote:
>I can not type (using a German keyboard -- Alt Gr Q) [...]

I noticed this and other bugs in my posting called "4 questions and bugs" - 
unfortunately without the [BUG] prefix so it perhaps was overlooked.

 >>At least with my German keyboard layout, I CANNOT input the following 
characters: ] } | \. If I input [ or {, it automatically appends the 
closing } or ]. All mentioned characters are entered using AltGr. With an 
older VM, I don't get this ERROR. I guess, the VM wrongly interprets AltGr 
as Alt + Ctrl.<<

Stefan Matthias Aust // Pilgrims, beware of the Dark between the Fading Suns

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