Squeak becomes (almost) autistic???

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Thu Oct 26 15:44:25 UTC 2000


Some questions occur:

1. Could the number of Processes be growing beyond reason? You could try something like this to keep an eye on things:

(UpdatingStringMorph on: Process selector: #instanceCount) 
	font: ((TextStyle default fontOfSize: 24) emphasized: 1);
	stepTime: 1000;

2. Could you give an example of what the Processes are doing when they are not waiting? While each may wait for 2 seconds at the end of each loop, if there is significant processing in the loop, then some number of such processes will combine to use all available cpu resources.

3. What priority are the processes?


On Thu, 26 Oct 2000 01:50:24 -0500 jchludzinski at worldkey.net wrote:
>I have an app (a simulation) with several Processes running 
>concurrently.  Each Process is a #fork of a #run method which 
>contains an infinite loop.  At the bottom of each loop is a:
>delay wait
>statement, where
>delay _ Delay forSeconds: 2.
>At first Squeak, with the sim running, is very responsive to input 
>(mouse clicks).  BUT as time goes on, Squeak becomes less 
>responsive (many mouse clicks to bring a window to the foreground)- 
>until at times it becomes totally autistic - completely 
>unresponsive to input.
>One further thing to consider, the sim (in these Processes) is 
>making many Socket calls to send and receive data.

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