How to make Morphs that only appear when the mouse is overthem?

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at
Sun Oct 1 17:07:12 UTC 2000

>I'm working on my AttachmentMorphs, and am trying to add a mode where
>they won't be visible unless the mouse is over them.
>But using mouseEnter: and mouseLeave: to control visibility doesn't
>work, since the mouseOver logic in the Hand ignores invisible Morphs.
>I guess I could use step and query the cursor position every time,
>but is there a cleaner way?
>(Actually, using step would let me make them visible when the mouse
>was merely near them. This might be better).

Ned -

You might want a global command (like to any pasteUp or the world) to make all attachers visible.  I only mention this beacuse of, eg, the make-visible command in many text editors that lets you see all non-printing characters.  This means you needn't be bothered by the attachers when you don't want them, and you don't have to fish for them when you do.

Mouse-over and proximity are certainly equally reasonable preferences to play with, though.

	- Dan

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