Another Morphic Tutorial

John Hinsley jhinsley at
Wed Apr 18 17:40:40 UTC 2001

"Andrew P. Black" wrote:
> Dear John:
> Would you mind if I used your Rolodex tutorial as part of my intro to
> Squeak at OOPSLA?
> I had not actually planned to do any "direct manipulation" style
> stuff, but I liked your Rolodex so much that I though that I would
> offer it as an alternative to the "mousing around" introduction, for
> those who have used other Smalltalks.
> I would like to edit it a little bit.  For example, in my other work
> sheets, I have consistently used the red, blue and yellow mouse
> terminology, because I don't what hardware my students will have,
> whether they are right or left handed, etc.
> Thanks for considering this

Andrew, I'd love it if you did. But please give Bolot (without
whom.....) and Dan (likewise....) a share of the credit, if any credit
is being given.

And, of course, I'd like to see it written up with the red/blue/yellow
terminology as I'm looking at a way of making the mouse system
independent (so to Squeak) and I'm not sure whether to go this way
(although I've yet to think up an alternative).

The latest version (posted yesterday) is in the usual place:

and contains some neat shotcuts suggested by Dan.

Best wishes

Marx: "Why do Anarchists only drink herbal tea?"
Proudhon: "Because all proper tea is theft."

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