Multiple cursor usage in Nebraska

Bob Arning arning at
Sat Apr 7 02:09:59 UTC 2001

On 06 Apr 2001 15:27:41 -0600 J Scott Jaderholm <scott at> wrote:
>Is it possible to allow two people to select two windows at the same
>time in Squeak (using Nebraska) and both type at the same time?
>Brian Rice was giving me a demo over Nebraska the other day, and it
>would have been nice for him to be able to type in one workspace and
>me in the other, at the same time, but when I'd select a window it
>would defocus his window.
>Any ideas on a fix for this would be great.

SystemWindows are a bit possessive. See methods like #activate and #passivate, e.g. That's where you would need to start. ;-)


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