Emergency Evaluator + BSS

Jörn Eyrich Joern.Eyrich at brokat.com
Wed Apr 25 20:54:46 UTC 2001

Ross Boylan wrote:
> The minnow swiki seems to be down, so I have a question that may be a
You should send mail to "swiki-bugs at cc.gatech.edu" to report that (I did for now)
There seem to be mirrors at (at least)
* www.bluefish.se/minnow
* swikimirror.squeakspace.com
but I don't know how current they are.

> FAQ:
> What can I do in the emergency evaluator?  I keep getting dumped into
> one (rather, a stack trace pops up with the message I can hit CR for
> an evaluator or anything to resume).  I've tried undoing the last
> command, but I've had to bail out of the image to get anywhere.

http://www.bluefish.se/minnow/1542.html contains something about the emergency evaluator, don't know if this helps though.

Could you send the stack trace? Do you get a file SqueakDebug.log that you could attach?

> I am suspicious that this is happening because I've been using the
> same image from GNU/Linux and Windows.  The directory it is in
> includes a changes, image, and sources file.  The sources file came
> from the Linux install.  So could this be causing trouble?  How do I
> find out which files are being used (i.e., is the sources in the
> working directory or the one with the original install in use).

The method category 'image, changes name' of class SystemDictionary has some methods that tell you which files are used.
But I don't think sharing the sources file causes problems, it's used read-only anyway.

Can you send 
> Last question: is it true that
> BSS == Bob's Super Swiki == minnow?  If not, what are these things, and
> where do I find them?

BSS is "Bob's Super Swiki", which is at
"SuperSwiki is designed to be a repository of Squeak-generated content. Rather than simply serving HTML, the serving of Squeak Projects is its central concern."
You can store whole projects there (code, "live" objects, resources like images etc.), and others can just load and activate them in their own images.

It's probably easiest to use the project navigator (in the 3.x images, this is the brown-orange bar on the lower left that pops up if you move the cursor over it). Click on "FIND" and a list appears showing your file system and various servers; one of it is BSS; select it and a list of the projects stored there appears; select one and click "Ok" to load it.

Minnow is a "conventional" Swiki at http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1, which is intended as the main documentation site for Squeak.

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