A still sensible question about _ and :=

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Mon Apr 23 18:48:53 UTC 2001

> From: Jarvis, Robert P. (Contingent) [mailto:Jarvisb at timken.com]
> If '<-' was to become the assignment operator how would the potential
> ambiguity be handled?  I'm thinking that existing legal code, such as
> 	i<-1 ifTrue: [...whatever...]
> 	(read the above as "One less than negative one ifTrue: [...]")
> would be broken

I'm actually slightly surprised that it works now, and went to a workspace
to check!  Presumably $- isn't a legal character in binary selectors ---
which, at least, fixes Dan's(?) issue with existing code that uses <- as a
message.  But this introduces a much nastier nasty.

		- Peter

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