Further update to Rolodex tutorial

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Mon Apr 23 16:58:04 UTC 2001

Ok now I actually got around to test the code I mailed :-)

Here is how to do it:

1 Change the name of the text morph containing the email adress to Email

2 Add a BasicButton to the Rolodex.

3 Open a viewer on the BasicButton

4 Add a new script to the button ( this is hard to describe to
beginners, there are no 
good names or description for these widgets)

5 In the new script click the checkbox ( number three from top left in
the script) which toggles between 
tile and textual representation of the code. We want textual.

6 Copy and paste this text into the text field. (Leave the bold line
saying: script1 but delete the line saying:  ^self.)

| messageStrm |
	messageStrm _ WriteStream on: (String new: 30).
			messageStrm nextPutAll: 'From: ';
			 nextPutAll: Celeste userName;
			 nextPutAll: 'To: ';
                         nextPutAll: ((self costume owner
submorphNamed:'Email') text string );
			 nextPutAll: 'Subject: '.
				openForCeleste: Celeste current 
				initialText: messageStrm contents

7 accesept that code (command key  + s on mac).

8 test the button. 

9 Bug me if it does not work :-)


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