Squeak License

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin at texoma.net
Fri Apr 27 16:21:53 UTC 2001

Yes, I know this is a recurring theme in certain messages, but I would
like to make a few comments. I believe it will continue to be a
recurring theme with few answers until the license is rewritten.

According to the license Apple owns the copyright to Squeak. According
to some comments on the list Apple's rights are up to a point and then
Disney owns the rights.

Apple's license if very pre 1.x sounding. Considering Squeak is
currently at 3.x it creates confusion and questions.

If Apple is the copyright owner of the current version of Squeak it
would be nice if Squeak were relicensed under a clearer license. If
Disney owns the current copyright or can acquire such, it would be nice
if Disney would update the license.

If Disney it would be nice if they would license Squeak under a new
Squeak license similar to their other open source projects such as Tea.


This license is based on Apache which I believe (from memory) is based
on BSD. This would be a very business friendly move. I believe a
relicensing of Squeak in such a manner would help encourage growth and
adoption of Squeak.


Jimmie Houchin

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